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March 19, 2014

TheLadders.com Class Action Lawsuit

Painting Turds Gold

Court Okays Suit Against Job Board for "$100k+ jobs" 

On March 12, 2014, NY District Judge John G. Koeltl ruled to deny TheLadders.com's motion to dismiss deceptive practices and breach of contract suit filed by consumer class action attorneys Bursor & Fisher a year ago.

The case alleges that the premium job search website:
  • Scraped job postings without employers' knowledge or consent and misrepresented them as $100k+ jobs
  • Didn't screen opportunities for to ensure all jobs were indeed $100k+ jobs
  • Some of the opportunities listed either didn't exist or misrepresented income potential
  • Offered "expert résumé critique" that simply triggered a form letter sales pitch for paid résumé re-writing services

According to recruitment blog Ask The Headhunter, one plaintiff claimed "a resume 'expert' at TheLadders produced a scathing critique of his resume — which he had previously paid TheLadders to write for him."

Plaintiffs were paid subscribers for premium access to TheLadders.com.

Check out that Headhunter blog for more info and to view a copy of the court's most recent ruling.

Thanks to Joel Cheesman for bringing this to our attention.

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