
Welcome friend.

As I often stumble across ideas, my own and those I feel are shareworthy, that I don't necessarily judge as a perfect fit for posting on my own website (for Sales and Marketing Services and Technology) or other Internet properties I own or manage, from time to time I'll submit them here.

Whether rants or raves, or information relating to Marketing, Sales, Human Resources, or Design, I intend this blog to be a casual editorial platform that allows for a more free-form train-of-thought writing style conducive to run-on sentences and multiple dashes/ellipses...

I hope you find something of interest and enjoy!

January 19, 2011

Original Artwork

Cleaning out my computer recently, I noticed that I had a handful of images that I didn't know what to do with, but my ego wouldn't permit me to delete.  So... Starting with the image below, I'll be sharing a few examples of my graphic design and photography - hopefully you can find something to do with them, or will at least get some enjoyment out of.  Here you go, public domain!

public domain:  you can keep it

Road Trip West, 2010
Inspired by the Arizona and New Mexico desert.